Toolbox Talks are an essential tool to ensure skilled workers and those in training receive manufactures test evidence to meet compliance of the solution.
Here at the Plus Group, our Head of Compliance has been administrating the latest training on site with our Fire Prevention Plus teams, where the adherence to detail will ensure fire resistance classification can be met.
Our latest on-site training has been centred around FSI and Rockwool products. To create a Pattress solution, of a single layer of 50mm FSI StopSeal Batt, with the service wrapped in a mineral fibre batt to specification. Installed to both sides of the rigid wall substrate >100mm achieves EI60 classification.
Manufacturers UL-EU certificate is held digitally by each installer and paper copies are issued in the Toolbox Talk for inclusion into the individuals van pack. Our training regime is very much hands-on and followed up by un-announced on-the-job compliance checks. All training is recorded and forms an integral part of meeting our 3rd party accreditation audits.